Amethyst - Origin and effects

What is amethyst?
Amethyst is a purple variety of quartz
Various shades of purple, from very light to dark and rich
Locations in the world
Brazil, Uruguay, Africa, India, Sri Lanka, Borneo
Site in the Czech Republic
Ore Mountains, Kozákov in Bohemian Paradise, Jeseníky Mountains, Moravian Karst, Vysočina
Amethyst is a stone of purity. It has strong spiritual vibrations and protective power. It helps calm the nervous system, protect against negative influences and find mental balance. Its powerful healing and cleansing power improves personal aura and radiance. It supports inner strength, decisiveness and a sharp mind. It removes fear and anxiety and promotes restful sleep.
Sign of the Zodiac
Aries, Virgo, Pisces, Sagittarius, Aquarius